NEWS DESK POST by Sharon Gilbert-Rivett. The High Court of Zambia has ruled that the controversial Kangaluwi open-cast copper mine project will go ahead in the heart of the Lower Zambezi …

The phrase 'the unacceptable face of capitalism' aptly fits Mwembeshi Resources Ltd actions to mine in the Lower Zambezi National Park. This we cannot allow or tolerate in Zambia in the light of the strong opposition which has been demonstrated since March 16th 2011 when a 25-year license was granted.
Lusaka, 21st March 2022: A large coalition of 53 CSOs, traditional leaders, artists, safari operators and other stakeholders has raised serious questions about the approval of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study that has allowed the controversial Kangaluwi open-pit copper mine planned in the heart of the area to go ahead.
Welcome to the Mwembeshi google satellite map! This place is situated in Lusaka Rural, Lusaka, Zambia, its geographical coordinates are 15° 20' 0" South, 27° 56' 0" East and its original name (with diacritics) is Mwembeshi. See Mwembeshi photos and images from satellite below, explore the aerial photographs of Mwembeshi in Zambia.
Mwembeshi Resources Limited, a subsidiary of Zambezi Resources, has reported significant progress in its efforts to resume full-scale copper production at the Kangaluwi mine in the lower Zambezi National Park area. The company has invested over USD $50 million in various development activities, including the construction of the mining site …
With plans to invest $494 million in the Kangaluwi copper mine, Mwembeshi Resources aims to promote economic growth and create opportunities while considering environmental preservation. Despite opposition from environmentalists and some lodge owners, the company remains optimistic about proceeding with mining activities once …
Zambie : les opérations à la mine de cuivre Kangaluwi sont suspendues pour violations environnementales . 1 mois environ 34 (Agence Ecofin) - L'activité des compagnies minières fait régulièrement l'objet de critiques pour son impact sur l'environnement et les conditions de vie des populations locales. ... porte-parole de Mwembeshi ...
The Loulo-Gounkoto complex comprises two distinct mining permits, Loulo and Gounkoto, and is situated in western Mali, bordering Senegal and adjacent to the Falémé River. Société des Mines de Loulo SA (Loulo) owns the Loulo gold mine, and Société des Mines de Gounkoto (Gounkoto) owns the Gounkoto gold mine. Both Loulo …
that has allowed the controversial Kangaluwi open-pit copper mine planned in the heart of the area to go ahead. In an advert published in key media across the country, the Save Zambezi, Safe Zambezi coalition has asked the following questions of the mine owner, Mwembeshi Resources Limited, and the Zambian Environmental Management Agency …
Zambie : les opérations à la mine de cuivre Kangaluwi sont suspendues pour violations environnementales . 1 mois environ 32 (Agence Ecofin) - L'activité des compagnies minières fait régulièrement l'objet de critiques pour son impact sur l'environnement et les conditions de vie des populations locales. ... porte-parole de Mwembeshi ...
ZEMA's decision means that the mining activities proposed by Mwembeshi Resources Limited cannot proceed. Civil society organisations, including WWF, Conservation Advocates Zambia, and Conservation Lower Zambezi, have worked hard to highlight the negative impacts the copper mine would have on the park and the river - as …
Letter to the Director of Mwembeshi Resources Limited. 7 May. Musukwa, R. 2019. Kangaluwi Copper Project Timeline. Timeline graphic. (Accessed: August 2022) Musukwa, R. 2019. The Status of Kangaluwi Copper Project in Lower Zambezi National Park. Mwenda, M. 2020. Zambia cancels plans to build open-pit Kangaluwi copper mine …
Conservation Advocates Zambia, which is among organizations lobbying against the mine, said they would press the government to cancel Mwembeshi's mining licence. "While we commend ZEMA and the government for this progressive step, we will continue engaging them until the mining licence is cancelled," Mehluli Malisa, a director …
L'Afrique du Sud a émis une garantie de 200 millions de dollars pour renflouer sa branche d'investissement frappée par des défauts de paiement. Au Zimbabwe, Landela Mining a redémarré ses activités dans sa mine d'or de Shamva. En Zambie, Konkola a fermé une partie de sa mine de cuivre à ciel ouvert.
Mwembeshi Resources limited to conduct mining activities at the Kangaluwi open pit mine in the lower Zambezi National park. Robert Chimambo wants the court to compel the Attorney General and the Zambia Environmental Management Agency to withdraw the approval of the environmental impact statement dated May 7, 2021 as it violates the …
Lusaka, 11/12/2023 - (MAP)- Le bilan de l'effondrement d'une mine, début décembre au nord de la Zambie, s'est alourdi à 11 morts, a annoncé le ministre provincial de Copperbelt, Elisha Matambo. Une trentaine de mineurs artisanaux ont été piégés lorsqu'une partie d'un tas de déchets miniers s'est effondrée dans une mine de ...
Go-ahead for controversial open-pit copper mine in Lower Zambezi National Park has become a political hot potato in the run-up to Zambian elections scheduled for August. Oscar Nkala investigates. Pristine habitat: The UN World Heritage Committee called on the Zambian government to re-consider the decision to allow mining in the national park.
ZEMA has since given Mwembeshi Resources Limited 14 days within which to surrender the decision letter. In May this year, ZEMA ordered Mwembeshi Resources Limited to cease all mining and construction activities in Lower Zambezi National Park, further ordering the company to submit a site environmental restoration plan for the …
Bill Gates et Jeff Bezos projettent d'investir dans une mine en Zambie. Des mineurs sont vus lors d'une mission de sauvetage à Chingola au nord de la capitale Lusaka, en Zambie, le samedi 2 décembre 2023. (Photo AP) KoBold Metals, une société d'exploration de métaux basée en Californie, et qui utilise l'intelligence artificielle, …